The New Republican Agenda

Approved for immediate release March 26, 2013

What is our federal government’s National Objective? Would it surprise you to learn that we don’t have one?

Whether in business or government, whenever there are large problems to solve or great opportunities to go after, most people understand that the chances for success are greatly enhanced when the participants share a common objective. Working from a formalized objective allows the stakeholders to actively contribute to the planning and execution necessary to achieve the desired results. A well communicated and closely followed objective is crucial for maintaining focus and reining in the scope creep that invariably occurs when those with alternate objectives and differing priorities develop clever ways to influence decisions and divert resources. If detours from the primary mission are not thwarted quickly then the mission becomes obscured and subservient to the multitude of parochial priorities that are allowed to take hold.

As the challenges that our nation faces grow in size and complexity, the greater becomes the importance of a widely shared and closely followed National Objective. As basic to our national success as a National Objective may be in these critical times, neither political party has presented their vision for a federal government national objective. Recognizing this fundamental failure of leadership from both Parties, the Republican Party presents our National Objective.

National Objective:
Continuously improve the standard of living of all Americans.

That’s it! That’s as complicated as our federal government’s national objective needs to be. Just think of what we could accomplish as a nation if all Americans and every elected official were fully committed to this simple yet powerful perpetual goal.
Formalizing a Republican Party National Objective will serve four purposes.

First it will help the Party sustain a consistent focus as we engage in a constructive dialogue with all Americans to develop policy recommendations that are designed expressly to achieve our National Objective.

Second, it will brand the Republican Party with the public and will provide us with the foundation we need to explain how our public policy proposals interrelate and how they will work in unison to achieve our national objective at the individual as well as the national level.

Third, it will serve to help prioritize and apply constant pressure on those opportunities that portend the greatest impact on our national objective while also allowing our nation to address separately those issues that may be vitally important but often serve as emotional wedge issues strategically designed to divide our nation and impede progress on our nation’s most pressing problems.

And finally, and perhaps most importantly, a shared national objective will unite our divided nation along a common set of enduring solutions designed to resolve our most pressing problems.

To be clear, there is considerable difference between agreeing upon a National Objective and agreeing to the public policies that are intended to best achieve that objective. But nonetheless, the first step is for our nation to agree to a single National Objective.

With a National Objective in hand, we can engage in a respectful debate of how best to achieve our goal. At the start of World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt presented a one word national objective that the American people roundly accepted and wholeheartedly supported – “Win!” The economic challenges facing our nation today may be no less important.

Job Policy:
Republican Values: The most effective way for an individual to improve their standard of living as well as increase their sense of worth and well being is through a job. The best way for our economy to grow and generate jobs is through a vibrant private sector offering goods and services that people want at prices they can afford with enough profit to warrant their continued offering.

The objective of the Republican Party Job Policies is to help the private sector maximize the quantity, quality and sustainability of U.S. based private sector jobs. For a detailed discussion of our Job Policy, please read our position paper entitled “Jobs and the Job Burden”.

Republican Values: The Republican Party supports a socially responsible, closely coordinated, efficiently administered and economically viable Social Safety Net that
Does not negatively impact our nation’s ability to generate U.S. based private sector jobs
Does not hide the costs of the safety Net by passing them on to future generations
Rewards work, independence and self-improvement

Healthcare Policy:Republican Values: Allow the free market system to work up to a point of catastrophic need. Employer sponsored healthcare significantly increases the cost of U.S. based labor and costs Americans their jobs. Our policy will replace employer sponsored health insurance and all government sponsored healthcare programs, except Medicare, with the two-tiered, private to public health coverage, provided by the American Catastrophic Health Insurance plan. ACHI is a high-deductible health insurance plan in which the annual deductible amount is based on individual or household income. Once the deductible has been met, the ACHI plan funds all medically necessary care and is financed by the Safety Net Tax.

For more policy discussions, please see America's Get Well Plan.


Barack Obama’s Defective Public Character

Barack Obama’s Defective Public Character: pSequestration, for all its problems–and I consider it to be an abdication of responsible governance–is helpful at least to this extent: it captures, in a single, still-unfolding act the problematic character of the president. To understand why, let’s update our effort to follow the bouncing Obama ball. Here’s some of what we know. (a) The [...]/p

Open Letter to Congress to debate Prefunding at Birth:

The purpose of this letter is to request that Congress debate Prefunding at Birth as a viable alternative for funding Social Security and Medicare.

It appears that our nation’s long standing debate over how best to solve our senior entitlement fiscal problems has been restricted to only two approaches. The Democrats advocate for raising taxes as the best solution while the Republicans support reducing program costs by cutting benefits.

There is a third option - one that would prove to be far superior for the long-term health of our economy and one that the voters would demand if they were given the facts - and the choice.

For a fraction of what it costs our economy today, Prefunding at Birth would place our senior entitlement programs on a glide path toward permanent fiscal soundness without the need to increase anyone’s taxes or reduce anyone’s benefits.

At the individual level, Prefunding at Birth involves estimating the future costs of senior benefits for those children born each month and making monthly investments in the equity markets to meet the future need.

From the taxpayer [government] perspective, Prefunding at Birth capitalizes on two of the most successful investment strategies in use today.

  1. Time Value of Money and
  2. Dollar Cost Averaging
It is widely believed that our current pay-as-you-go taxing method for funding Social Security and Medicare is less risky than investing in the equity markets. While it is true that equity prices can lose value over periods as long as 20 years, it is also true that over the very long-term, markets tend to return to their historical averages. By basing a plan on the perpetuity of the equity markets and by fixing returns at slightly less than historic return averages and offering guaranteed benefits through the full faith and credit of the American taxpayer, a Prefunding at Birth plan could essentially eliminate market risk and perhaps just as importantly, eliminate public fear over the financial safety of their senior plans.

Consider the following.

·       Per Robert Shiller and the Yale School of Management, since 1915, U.S. equities have returned an average annual return at 10.4%.

·       Those same continuously updated Shiller statistics reveal that the worst 70 year period still managed to return a very respectable 9.85% average annual return.

·       The best 70 year period produced an average annual return of 11.92%.

·       The U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging report entitled “Social Security Modernization Options to Address Solvency and Benefit Adequacy” dated May 13th, 2010 concluded that over the long term a government controlled broad based equity fund would average 9.4% annual return on investment after accounting for fees and expenses.

·       According to the 2012 Trustees Report, our unfunded liability for Social Security has a net present value of $20.5 trillion while Medicare’s unfunded liability is $42.8 trillion for a total of $63.3 trillion. These future obligations must eventually be paid by the taxpayers or the promises that have been made to our seniors must be broken. How risky will Americans consider their pay-as-you-go senior entitlement programs once Congress starts reducing their benefits?

A fair minded comparison of the risk realities between the long-term equity markets and pay-as-you-go financing for Social Security and Medicare reveals one indisputable fact; namely, that even including the Great Depression and the Great Recession, equity markets have averaged over a 10% per year return on investment while pay-as-you-go financing has left us with a $63.3 trillion unfunded liability. Clearly, pay-as-you-go is the much riskier option. If only the people knew.

Although the plan’s funds would be physically invested in the equity markets, the plan would eliminate market risk because individual benefits would accrue at a government guaranteed fixed rate of return and would be guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S government. The government guaranteed fixed rate of return would equal the long-term market average rate of return less administrative fees and expenses and is currently estimated at 9.4% to coincide with the conclusions reached by the 2010 Senate Special Committee on Aging.

However; in order to maximize the efficiency of the time-value of money, the actual rate of return would more closely approximate the historic equity average rate of return of 10.4% if the only expense paid from the fund were for beneficiary distributions (which would not start for at least 62 years under current Social Security rules). All other fund fees, brokerage commissions, administrative expenses and equity purchases would remain pay-as-you-go expenditures that would be financed from current tax receipts; not the fund. The plan would not need to support any sales charges, load fees or any fees based on a percentage of the fund’s balance. The tax component of the plan designed to pay those fees would be kept separate and managed separately from the benefit portion.

Whatever the fixed rate agreed to by Congress, it would not be subject to annual or perhaps even decades long fluctuations because it would be based on the historic average rate of return and would not change unless and until there was evidence that the long term historic average rate of return had permanently changed.

In 1999, the average Social Security benefit was $9,093 per year and the average 65 year old was projected to live another 14.2 years with an average cost of living increase of 2.8% per year for a lifetime benefit payout of $153,269.

Prefunding at Birth:
A one-time investment of $268 in 1935 that grew at 9.4% for 64 years would have grown to $84,187 in 1999. Assuming that all unpaid balances continued to grow at 9.4% per year, the account would be able to pay the same $153,269 in COLA adjusted benefits for the same 14.2 years.

Although the benefit payouts would be identical, there would of course be one significant difference between the two approaches. In 1935, had we included Prefunding at Birth for newborns along with pay-as-you-go for those already alive, our unfunded liability today for Social Security would be zero. Ditto if we had adopted a similar approach for Medicare in 1965.

Under the same assumptions, a $2000 investment today will achieve the same purchasing power for a beneficiary 65 years from now. If, on the other hand, we  increase the fixed APR to 10.4% and increase the benefit start age to 70, the one-time investment needed to produce the same purchasing power based on 2.8% inflation per year for a life expectancy extended to 17.4 years is reduced to $750 per newborn.

Given that there are about 4 million births per year, the cost to fund the program at $2000 per birth is roughly $8 billion per year or about the cost to fund our efforts in Afghanistan for a month. At $750 per person, the annual cost to fund the Social Security portion of the plan would be $3 billion or about the amount we plan to provide Egypt and Palestine this year in foreign aid.

Once we completed the transition from pay-as-you-go to Prefunding at Birth, the income redistribution due to Social Security alone would drop from $805 billion per year to $8 billion per year at the 9.4% return rate and $3 billion per year at the 10.4% rate in 2010 dollars.

In 2010, U.S. employers, including the self-employed, paid $252 billion in Social Security taxes and another $78 billion in Medicare taxes. Eliminating the business paid portion of payroll taxes would make U.S. based labor more cost competitive in a global market for labor by about $330 billion per year. How many U.S. based jobs might be created as a result of a $330 billion per year reduction in labor costs?

Another important question that deserves to be answered is what exactly is the main purpose of Social Security? Is it to provide those who earned the most money during their working careers with the most money in their retirement years? That’s what it does. When you consider that those who earned the most also contributed the most, it seems fair that under the present taxing scheme they should receive the most benefits. But getting back to the question, is that the main purpose of Social Security? I submit that it is not. I submit that the main purpose of Social Security is to ensure that every senior has enough income so that he or she can live with a certain level of dignity and independence during their senior years. I further submit that the only reason why a person’s lifetime income is used to determine benefits under the current plan is simply because program revenues originate from a dedicated payroll tax and the amount of the tax is based on a person’s income. By removing the dedicated payroll tax component, we stand a much better chance of satisfying the “real” main purpose of Social Security.

Basing benefits predominately on income has caused the current system designers to adopt several social engineering schemes that may not reflect the social values of the population and in fact may discourage certain behaviors that research has concluded benefit society. For example; the current system penalizes a family when one parent agrees to forego a career and stay at home to raise the children. Similarly, the current system doesn’t value people who accept lower paid jobs or work fewer hours in order to spend more time helping others. In other words, a lifetime of service to family, charity and community are either not valued by Social Security or at least not valued as much as income.

Prefunding at Birth would eliminate the social engineering aspects of the current system. Under Prefunding at Birth, all beneficiaries would be treated the same regardless of their work status or employment history. A person’s [legal] lifelong decisions in their personal pursuit of happiness would not impact their government guaranteed senior benefits.

To those who might wonder if a new moral hazard was being proposed, I would ask them to consider the likelihood that a person would decide to be idle for the first 65 years of their life awaiting the spoils from Prefunding at Birth. For those who were still not convinced, I would argue that a small investment at birth insures our society against the high cost of having to provide for someone who failed to make plans for their senior years.

Recalling Aesop’s fable about the Ant and the Grasshopper, leads to the conclusion that as long as our Supreme Court has ruled that the Ants must provide the basic necessities for the aging grasshoppers then prudence demands that the ants optimize the efficiency of their obligations.

In the past our political leaders have used fear as a tactic. Both parties have threatened that the government might be unable to make senior entitlement payments if for example budget agreements failed and the government was forced to shut down. Prefunding at Birth removes our seniors from the ranks of the political pawns.

In summary, Prefunding at Birth would convert our senior entitlement programs from costly, growth restricting, job limiting, demographically challenged, and political fear mongered pay-as-you-go insurance plans that unethically force future generations to bear the costs of current generation profligacy and mismanagement to one where current generations honorably provide for their children’s future by investing in their nation’s private sector on behalf of their children. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work?

Clearly Prefunding at Birth deserves a seat at the debate table. I ask every member of Congress to please explain why a plan based on prefunding at birth is not under consideration by Congress as a viable solution to our senior entitlement funding problems?

I look forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

James W. Schneider
Concerned Citizen
Twitter: @JimS1
March 1st 2013


How to Save Social Security and Medicare

To summarize the 2012 Medicare and Social Security Trustee reports:

If Congress fails to change the senior entitlement laws, Medicare will be unable to pay full benefits beginning in 2024 and Social Security will only have the resources to pay three quarters of its scheduled benefits starting in 2033.

The Trustees are telling us, just as they have been telling us for years, that Congress has promised but neglected to pay for over $63 trillion worth of senior benefits.[1]

Our chronic failure to resolve this decades old problem is a measure of how incompetent our federal government has become. But perhaps equally as distressing is how suboptimal, short sighted and narrow minded are the proposed solutions being bandied about.

To solve our senior entitlement funding problems, the Democrats propose raising taxes. The Republicans counter that the nation can no longer afford to pay the ever escalating benefits and that raising taxes will further damage our already fragile economy. Because of this, the Republicans propose reducing the senior benefits that have been promised to millions of American voters for decades – good luck with that.

Most experts agree that on the brink of economic collapse Congress will reluctantly reach a poorly reasoned, ill advised compromise that incorporates some combination of both raising taxes and reducing benefits. The ultimate effect of this last minute deal will be to subject our economy to slower than necessary growth; higher than necessary unemployment and the continued erosion of our standard of living.[2]

There is a better way!

We can restore our senior entitlement programs to solvency simply by changing how we fund them. For a fraction of what it costs our economy today, a sensible funding approach would place our senior programs on a glide path toward permanent fiscal soundness without the need to increase anyone’s taxes or reduce anyone’s benefits. Does all that sound a little too good to be true? Read on.

Albert Einstein, perhaps America’s most renowned physicist and certainly one of the world’s most brilliant historical figures is often credited with saying that the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest. Whether Professor Einstein actually expressed that sentiment is not important; what is important is the fact that the basis of capitalism and the foundation for the U.S. economy is predicated on the notion that private capital, invested in a profit motivated enterprise, may grow over time. The reason why people lend their money to, or invest their money in an enterprise is because the lender/investor expects to get more money back in the future. Without this fundamental principle of private capital appreciation, capitalism could not exist.

Our senior programs would have served America’s interests better had they been designed from the outset as investments in our seniors’ futures and taken full advantage of capital appreciation and the time value of money for the life of the beneficiary. Instead, they were designed as insurance programs where the premiums paid today are used to pay today’s beneficiaries. This type of funding is referred to as Pay-As-You-Go. When you consider that people will have to live at least 62 years before they receive their first benefit, pay-as-you-go is perhaps the most inefficient money management strategy conceivable.

Saving our senior safety net is as simple as fully utilizing the power of compounding for the life of the beneficiary. We call this whole-life investing strategy Pre-funding at Birth.

Let’s use an analogy to explain the approach.

Yesterday your first child, Jane was born and today you want to do something nice for Jane’s future. After some research and a little planning, you’re satisfied that you’ll be able to take care of baby Jane’s daily needs including her education and health care. But now you would like to do a little something for Jane’s old age – say when she reaches 70 years old. What a good daddy.

After selling your baseball card collection and the banged up old Harley-Davidson your wife affectionately refers to as the coffin, you were able to scrounge up another $2000 to help fund baby Jane’s retirement. But what should you do with the money?

You could do what our government does and spend the $2000 today and promise little Janey through an IOU that someone else will provide for her when she retires. Of course since you are a good daddy and possess a modicum of common sense, you immediately reject that idea as irresponsible.

You could decide to put the money in a safety deposit box and set up a trust fund with a law firm stipulating that baby Jane receives the $2000 when she reaches age 70. But you also know that inflation will eat away at the purchasing power of the money. You’re worried that after 70 years, $2000 might only buy little Jane a loaf of bread or two. You don’t know much about investing so you decide to consult a lawyer friend of yours for some free advice.

After reviewing a list of investment alternatives, your lawyer friend Loretta recommends that you invest the $2000 in the stock market. In particular she suggests an index fund that tracks the S&P 500.

You express grave concern over the safety of the stock market. Seeing your concern, a patient Loretta provides you with the following facts.

  • Since 1915, U.S. equities have returned an average annual return of 10.4%. That time frame includes the two deepest and longest economic downturns in U.S. history; the Great Depression and the Great Recession.[3]
  • In all that time, the worst 70 year period still managed to return a very respectable 9.85% average per year. In other words, pick any 70 year period since 1915, and the worst average return on your investment would have been 9.85% per year.
  • The best average annual rate of return over any 70 year period since 1915 was 11.92%.
  • The U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging report entitled “Social Security Modernization Options to Address Solvency and Benefit Adequacy” dated May 13th, 2010 concluded that over the long term a government controlled broad based equity fund would average 9.4% annual returns on investment after accounting for fees and expenses.[4]
Even after considering what Loretta just told you, you’re still feeling a little uneasy. You don’t trust the stock market. You tried it a couple times and always got burned. You tell Loretta, “The market is too risky. What are you not telling me?”

Loretta tells you “The stock market is risky over the short term such as a year, five years or even fifteen years. It is also very risky if you’re not an expert and try to conduct your own research and invest in individual companies. On the other hand, the secret to growing rich in the stock market is investing over the long term in a well diversified portfolio and never trying to time the market.”

Loretta continues, “Consider this fact: If you were to invest the same way as the average of all investors then your returns have to be identical to the market’s average returns for that period. It’s that simple. That’s exactly what investing in broad indexed funds like the S&P 500 is all about. They are designed to track with the market”

Loretta hands you a glossy tri-fold pamphlet entitled “Financial Planning: Birth to Retirement” and dives into her firm’s new Pre-Funding at Birth Trust Fund sales pitch.

“We believe that average stock market returns over the long-term, say thirty years or more, will always trend toward their 10.4% historic average. Because of that belief, we are able to guarantee you a fixed 9.4% return per year. This allows us to keep any amounts above the 9.4% rate.”

“How this works is; my firm will invest your $2000 in a trust fund that we set up for Janey. At the end of each year we automatically add 9.4% to her beginning of the year balance regardless of how the stock market performed for that year. We assume all the risk for the 9.4%. Our reward for assuming that risk is we keep any growth over the 9.4. In other words, if the market averages 10.4% like we believe, then we will on average profit 1% per year and as your balance grows over time so will our 1%.

“However, and this is very important. The money is not available to you or Janey or anyone else until she reaches age 70.”

You interrupt Loretta “How much will $2000 at 9.4% per year be in 70 years?”

“Excellent question, let’s see.” Your lawyer pulls up a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. In an open cell she employs the standard future value of a single-sum investment formula. But since you’re not interested in how she gets the number you stare out her window and wait for her answer.

=FV(Rate, Nper, PMT, PV, Type) where

FV = Future value which is what we are trying to obtain.

Rate = Growth rate so she enters 9.4% per year (0.094)

Nper = The number of periods so she enters 70 years (70)

PMT = Payment Amount each period or since there are none she enters 0

PV = Present Value of the lump sum amount. Since it is rcvd now it’s -$2000

Loretta reclaims your attention and points to the answer she bolded on her monitor:          $1,077,067

Your eyes bug-out of your head as you blurt out “One million dollars; are you kidding me?”

“I’m not kidding you” says your new best friend Loretta the Lawyer. “But be careful because in 70 years a million dollars won’t buy nearly as much as it does today. What we need to find out now is just how much $1 million will buy in 70 years.”

Loretta drones on “The Social Security Administration uses 2.8% per year for all of its long term inflation projections so that’s what we use.”

Reaching for the Excel application again, Loretta tells you that she will “use the Present Value function to compute the present value of a future value.”

“Whoa, whoa wait a minute.” You say. “I have no idea what you just said.”

“Ok” says Loretta, let me show you. “After 70 years, Jane’s account will be worth $1,077,068. But you want to know how much that will purchase 70 years from now. The $1,077,068 is a future amount. To figure out how much it will purchase 70 years in the future, we have to remove the estimated inflation rate of 2.8% per year. We do that by converting the future dollars back to present dollars by merely eliminating the inflation rate.”

“Here’s the formula.” You notice a pale green hummingbird hovering by a red and yellow feeder outside the window.

=PV(Rate, Nper, PMT, FV, Type) where

PV = Present value which is what we are trying to obtain.

Rate = In this case it’s the inflation rate per year of 2.8% (.028)

Nper = The number of periods so she enters 70 years (70)

PMT = Payment Amt each period but since there are none, she enters 0

FV = Future Value amount. $1,077,067

Loretta politely clears her throat to recapture your focus and points to the Excel answer:        $155,856

While pointing to the answer, she explains “This amount means that a one-time investment of $2000 today that grows at 9.4% per year for 70 years will grow to $1,077,067 but will only have the purchasing power equal to $155,856 in today’s dollars. Does that make sense?”

You consider what she said for a moment and say “Yes, I think so. You’re saying that since the price of an average house is about $150,000; that my little $2000 gift to baby Jane today will buy her a retirement house when the time comes. Is that about right?”

“That’s exactly right assuming that housing inflation averages 2.8% per year.”

Loretta adds, “When Janey reaches 70, then the second phase of the plan takes over.”

“The second phase?”

“Yes, on Jane’s 70th birthday, we annuitize her account balance and begin to pay Janey a scheduled monthly income for the rest of her life. The remaining account balance will continue to earn 9.4% growth per year. By scheduled I mean, based on the then current life expectancy for a 70 year old female, we compute the first year’s annual amount and then divide by twelve to get the monthly amount. Each year we add 2.8% to the previous year’s amount to protect Janey from expected inflation. If Janey lives exactly to her expected life at age 70 then her account balance will reach exactly zero. If she outlives her balance, we will still continue to pay her at the scheduled rate, including inflation, for the rest of her life. That guarantee for life is the risk the annuity firm assumes. On the other hand, if there is any balance in her account when she passes, that balance goes to the annuity firm.”

“So how much will she get each month and what’s that worth in today’s dollars?”

“Hey, you’re getting pretty good at this. Let’s see.”

Again, using Excel, Loretta computes the monthly annuity payments in both future and present dollars.

Seeing your confusion, Loretta continues “Your initial $2000 could actually grow to provide lifetime benefits that will exceed Social Security benefits. Do you want to see what I mean?”

“Whoa, whoa, now you’re telling me that my $2000 will be worth more to Janey then than her Social Security benefits?”


You agree to see the computations and Loretta shows you the following spreadsheet.
All amounts  are shown in current dollars

Begin Age
Begin Balance
Annual Payment
Begin Balance
 Less Annual Payment
End Balance= (BegBal-Payment * 1.094) + 1/2 payment * .094
Next year payment = Payment + .028 (Inflation)


“First of all” Loretta explains, “since we have converted the future amounts to present values, we will continue to work with present values because it’s easier to visualize the purchasing power using today’s dollars then future dollars.”

Reviewing the first line of the chart with you, Loretta explains “When Janey reaches age 70; the plan will automatically convert the $155,856 balance to an annuity. This annuity plan computes Jane’s first annual benefit as 9.4% of the beginning balance. ($155,856 X 9.4%) = $14,650. That’s how much purchasing power Janey will receive her 70th year.”

Loretta is quick to add, “This is slightly more purchasing power then the average Social Security benefit for 2012.”[5]

She continues “The payment will be made in twelve equal monthly installments over the year. The account will continue to grow at 9.4% on any unpaid balances. At the end of the first year after paying the $14,650 to Jane and adding in the 9.4% interest, the ending balance will be $155,167.91.”

“The last column shows how much Janey can expect the following year. It’s just the previous year’s payment amount plus another 2.8% to cover inflation.”

"Each year, payments are increased 2.8% and paid from Little Jane’s annuity balance until the balance is exhausted during her 87th year” Loretta points to the line for age 87 showing that the ending balance goes negative in that year.

Loretta sums the annual payment column until age 87 less the overdraw amount that year to show you that if baby Janey lives until her account balance runs out, she will have received $332,564 in today’s dollars all from your $2000 investment.

“If Jane outlives her balance, the insurance portion of the plan continues to pay the inflation adjusted amount for her entire life.”

“When Janey dies, whenever she dies, if there is any balance in her account, that amount is forfeited to the firm.”

Loretta emphasizes “The purchasing power of the benefit is greater than the average paid by Social Security. She concludes by explaining that $2000 invested today will produce greater benefits for your child then Social Security is projected to do if Social Security had the money to pay its promised benefits; which it doesn’t; and it accomplishes this at a fraction of the cost.

She shows you a chart from the that indicates that the average wage earner contributes over $299,000 in payroll taxes over the course of their working career just for Social Security but only gets $200,000 back in benefits.[6] Compare that to the $2000 you could invest today to return $332,564 in today dollar benefits.

Loretta says “For Social Security they’ll take out $299,000 over your career and you’ll only get back two thirds of what you put in. Sounds like a lousy deal to me. What an incredible waste of money compared to pre-funding with $2000 for life. That’s the power of compounding.”

“Well yes” you say “But the government couldn’t do that for everyone. It would cost a fortune; right?”

“Not at all” Loretta says. “In fact, it would be much cheaper and would be a huge shot in the arm for our struggling economy.”

“How so?”

Loretta pulls out some stats. “According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about four million Americans are born each year. If the Fed invested $2000 for each newborn it would cost about $8 billion a year.  That’s about how much we spend a month in Afghanistan. We would still have to figure out how to pay the shortfall for those of us alive today under the old system but all future generations would be secured and as current system beneficiaries start to pass-on, the problem would start to shrink instead of continuing to grow.”

“Want more? Back in 2009, the last year everyone paid all their Social Security taxes, the system collected $805 billion. Half of that came from our employers and the other half from the employees. That year, Social Security paid out $680 billion in benefits. That left $125 billion in surplus that was supposed to be used to pay the future Social Security shortages. Today, surpluses that have been accumulated over the years total $2.6 trillion in the Social Security Trust Fund. This $2.6 trillion Trust Fund represents money that workers and their employers have paid into Social Security to help pay future Social Security benefits. But Congress has spent the entire $2.6 trillion on stuff not related to Social Security. Now, Congress will have to borrow another $2.6 trillion or raise more taxes to pay for the Social Security benefits that have already been paid.”

Loretta continues “If Congress had just taken the $125 billion from 2009 and invested it at an average of 9.4% per year, then the gain in an average year would be $11.75 billion ($125 billion X .094). That would be enough to fund a national pre-funding Social Security program for the next 75 years even with expected inflation and population growth. In bad stock market years, the excess in the fund would cover the shortfall. In good stock market years, the fund could be replenished.”

“Want still more? If we started today, the pre-funded accounts wouldn’t have any obligations for 70 years and by definition the first account couldn’t go negative for 87 years. During that time, some people with accounts will die youg. What should happen with the balances in their account? Well we know we have to keep some of the surplus to pay for those folks who will live past their 87th year beginning in 87 years from now. But the money needed for that obligation will be a tiny fraction of the total surplus available, what should we do with all the rest?”

“I give up, tell me” you say.

“Assuming that the taxpayer funded the initial account, when the beneficiary dies, we can dedicate the surplus to the shortfall estimated for the beneficiaries under the current Social Security program. In so doing, we could eliminate the entire $20.5 trillion Social Security shortfall in less than 40 years. Unfortunately, because our government has waited so long to fix the problem, Congress would still need to borrow for several years in order to pay full benefits – but not nearly as much and only for a few years.”

“Over the long term, pre-funding would eliminate the current Social Security shortfall; allow Social Security to become self-funding; eliminate payroll taxes for Social Security and cover all Americans equally regardless of work history.”

“To the extent we can approximate how much the average American will need in 70 years to cover their medical expenses, which does all the time, we can do the exact same thing for funding Medicare with roughly another $2000 per birth.”

“That’s how Congress should solve our Senior Entitlement problems.”

“Now let me get to work and set up this trust for baby Jane.”

[1] November 26th, 2012 Wall Street Journal
As of the most recent Trustees' report in April, the net present value of the unfunded liability of Medicare was $42.8 trillion. The comparable balance sheet liability for Social Security is $20.5 trillion.
[2] Americans United Party: Job Policy – Eliminate the Job Burden.
[3] Robert Shiller: The data collection effort about investor attitudes that I have been conducting since 1989 has now resulted in a group of Stock Market Confidence Indexes produced by the Yale School of Management. These data are collected in collaboration with Fumiko Kon-Ya and Yoshiro Tsutsui of Japan. Some of our earlier results are also noteworthy.

Stock market data used in [Robert Shiller] book, Irrational Exuberance [Princeton University Press 2000, Broadway Books 2001, 2nd ed., 2005] are available for download, Excel file (xls). This data set consists of monthly stock price, dividends, and earnings data and the consumer price index (to allow conversion to real values), all starting January 1871. The price, dividend, and earnings series are from the same sources as described in Chapter 26 of my earlier book (Market Volatility [Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989]), although now I use monthly data, rather than annual data. Monthly dividend and earnings data are computed from the S&P four-quarter tools for the quarter since 1926, with linear interpolation to monthly figures. Dividend and earnings data before 1926 are from Cowles and associates (Common Stock Indexes, 2nd ed. [Bloomington, Ind.: Principia Press, 1939]), interpolated from annual data. Stock price data are monthly averages of daily closing prices through January 2000, the last month available as this book goes to press. The CPI-U (Consumer Price Index-All Urban Consumers) published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics begins in 1913; for years before 1913 1 spliced to the CPI Warren and Pearson's price index, by multiplying it by the ratio of the indexes in January 1913. December 1999 and January 2000 values for the CPI-Uare extrapolated. See George F. Warren and Frank A. Pearson, Gold and Prices (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1935). Data are from their Table 1, pp. 11–14. For the Plots, I have multiplied the inflation-corrected series by a constant so that their value in january 2000 equals their nominal value, i.e., so that all prices are effectively in January 2000 dollars.
Page 50 of the report states: Gradually Invest 15 percent of Trust Fund Assets in Equities.
The government could gradually invest Trust Fund assets in a broad index of equity market securities, such as the Wilshire 5000.If the Trust Funds’ investments in equities increased by 1.5 percent a year for 10 years and equity investments were maintained at 15 percent thereafter, it would reduce the long-range deficit by about 14 percent, or 0.27 percent of taxable payroll. These calculations assume that Trust Funds invested in equities earn a constant nominal 9.4 percent return (or 6.4 percent real return over 2.8 percent inflation) this is 3.5 percentage points over the expected average yield on long-term Treasury bonds.