
Welcome to the Americans United Party blog.

We are dedicated to solving America's most pressing problems by enlisting the good ideas from any and all sources.


  1. It costs more to create and maintain jobs in America than in any other country. These disproportionate costs encourage firms to outsource existing jobs while inhibiting entrepreneurs and foreign firms from setting up shop within our shores. Until we allow our businesses to be cost competitive, the United States will continue to lose jobs to the rest of the global economy.

    Many of the costs that restrict job creation in the U.S. add no value to the goods produced or the services offered. These costs exist mainly to support government mandated or societal driven social safety net programs. Businesses have simply evolved as a convenient medium from which to collect from the public the monies needed to operate these safety net programs.

    Because of their negative impact on job creation, we refer to these costs as the Job Burden.

    While Congress debates various programs that would increase the job burden on American businesses, thereby further undermining U.S. based job creation; the Americans United Party is committed to calling attention to the job killing nature of the U.S. job burden and to offer proposals to remove the job burden from employers in order to stimulate job creation in the United States.

    At this time, with a sputtering economy and a questionable long-term outlook for jobs and growth, the Americans United Party believes strongly that eliminating the job burden as soon as possible is the most critical issue currently facing our country.

  2. Freeing U.S. employers from the U.S. job burden will enable the creation of U.S. jobs. However; doing so will not eliminate the programs these monies support. It is therefore necessary to establish an alternative funding mechanism for these programs. Although not without problems, the Americans United Party believes that a national sales tax is the most equitable, cost effective and economically prudent method for funding the U.S. safety net programs that are currently supported via the job burden.

  3. The national sales tax proposed by the AUP is similar to the Fair Tax proposal but differs in several fundamental ways. First; the Fair Tax is National Sales Tax designed to replace all Federal income and payroll taxes for both individuals and businesses. The AUP sales tax would eliminate the business paid portion of income and payroll taxes but would not eliminate the income taxes paid by the individual. Second; the Fair Tax does not include other job burden costs like corporate paid employee benefits such as healthcare premiums and pension plans. The AUP sales tax includes these job burden costs. The AUP plan exists simply to transfer all job burden costs from employers to a national sales tax in order to make the U.S. competitive in a global economy which will provide jobs and economic growth in America.

  4. Why does Congress keep saying that to save Social Security we must either reduce benefits or increase taxes? Why don't they recognize that the main problem with Social Security is pay-as-you-go funding. If they would replace pay-as-you-go funding with pre-funding at birth then Social Security would be there for all Americans and could increase benefits while reducing risk. Take a look at the American Birth Contribution Plan or ABC Plan proposed by the AmericansUnitedPaty.com. They have a plan worth discussing.

