Van Hollen Super Committee Appointment

The Americans United Party responds to Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen's statement on his appointment to the Joint Select Committee (Super Committee).

Our comments are highlighted in Red

Van Hollen Statement on Joint Select Committee Appointment

August 11, 2011

Washington, DC – Today Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen, Ranking Member on the House Budget Committee, issued the following statement on his appointment to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction:

“I am honored to have been asked by Democratic Leader Pelosi to serve on the Joint Committee. I look forward to working with my Democratic and Republican colleagues to address the huge challenge before us.

“Putting America back to work [in the private sector] is the best and most immediate way to reduce our deficit as we also develop and implement a balanced [budget amendment that matches tax revenues and expenditures to 18% of our Gross Domestic Product. These actions will allow us to] establish long-term fiscal discipline and sustained economic growth. Our plan should put [private sector] jobs first, sharpen America's competitive edge [by eliminating the Job Burden], ensure health and retirement security [by replacing the fiscally irresponsible pay-as-you-go funding of Social Security and Medicare with fiscally responsible pre-funding at birth] , and require shared responsibility [ by replacing our economy killing income tax system with a new consumption based tax system that allows our private sector to compete in a global economy.] Together, we can build a prosperous and secure future for all Americans.”

If the Congressman accepts these clarifying changes, then we welcome Congressman Von Hollen's endoresment of the AUP's Economic Roadmap and look forward to working with him to implement these initiatives.

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