Static Analysis of Tax Proposals are Worse than Useless - They're Harmful.

The following email was sent to the Tax Policy Center in response to their September 29, 2017 article  entitled "A Preliminary Analysis of the Unified Framework".
Link here

In the United States, Tax Policy is, unfortunately, a much larger component of Economic Policy than it should be. The reason for this is because our Income Tax System has become mostly about Politics and as such serves to distort the natural and efficient forces of supply and demand.

You report that, discounting economic impact, a Tax cut will reduce tax revenues - really?

You report that in our highly PROGRESSIVE TAX RATE system, if you reduce Income tax rates across the board, the people who pay the most will get to keep the most - really?

A static analysis of any proposed tax cut will by definition reduce tax revenue and favor those who pay the most taxes. But as far as predicting it's actual economic impact, its totally useless. I have to conclude that an organization that chose the name "Tax Policy Center" knows this.

So what then could possibly be your reasons for publishing a PRELIMINARY STATIC ECONOMIC ANALYSIS on a tax proposal DESIGNED to STIMULATE the economy?

The only reason I can see is to demonize the plan by misleading the uninformed for purely political purposes. But why would you do that? Since if the plan achieves its objective, these are the people who will receive the most benefit.

Please tell me how I'm wrong.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely your,

James Schneider
Concerned Citizen Seeking Truth.

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