Open Letter to John Kasich

Dear Governor Kasich,

I have long been  a supporter of yours and still believe you would make a superb president. But now I ask for your help.

I share your concerns about Donald Trump and as yet, I  have not committed to vote for Mr. Trump. But, at this time I am fairly confident that I will not be voting for Mrs. Clinton.

I will not necessarily vote for the person I like the most, trust the most, respect the most or agree with the most. I will vote for the person who I believe will be the best for the long term health and values of my country.

That is why, if the vote were today, logic would force me to vote for Mr. Trump for the simple reason that not voting for him would help elect Mrs. Clinton and would help to hand the House and Senate over to the Democrats and the Supreme Court over to the Progressives. I believe that outcome would be far more harmful to the long term health of our country than my fear of what an unknown Donald Trump might try to do.

President Obama has been very successful in hobbling many of America’s greatest strengths because he is very smart, a gifted orator, knowledgeable about what he could and couldn't do as President, and was supported by an ideologically driven plan that was designed to do exactly what he did. Perhaps his greatest triumph from his perspective was to render Congress feckless as a check and balance against Executive overreach.

A President Trump will have no such gifts, plans or support. He will have to convince his own party in Congress not just to pass legislation but to make controversial Executive Orders stick.

In fact, a President Trump might be the best remedy to unify, strengthen and reaffirm the Constitutional role of Congress to restrain a rogue administration. Consider how different the Obama Presidency might have been if the Democrats in Congress had enforced their Constitutional role and not acted as a rubber stamp for anything Mr. Obama wanted to do.

At the time, I couldn't understand how my fellow Republicans could have nominated Mr. Trump  when so many worthy alternatives were available. Now, as I consider my own arguments I'm struck by just how smart the voters may have been after all.

That is why I ask you to contact Mr. Trump personally with this letter in hand and commit your full support to get him elected and offer to serve, in a mutually agreeable capacity, in a Donald Trump administration.

I know that I and many other Americans would feel much better about our vote for Mr. Trump if we knew that you were a trusted insider within the Trump Administration who had once again taken the oath to protect and defend our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I wish you good health and great success in whatever role you decide is best for our nation,

James Schneider
Concerned Citizen

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