Terrorism: Words Matter

Enough already. Its time for Americans to convince our leaders to stop calling ISIS and their sympathizers “Terrorists”. I propose the adoption of a far more descriptive term.

I'm flipping between cable news channels listening to the talking heads argue whether the pressure cooker and pipe bomb explosions that occurred this weekend in New York City and Elizabeth New Jersey were acts of terror or not.

Americans are once again subjected to this endless, irrelevant argument because our leaders rely on one word and its derivatives to describe three distinct steps of an investigation.

1. What happened?
2. Who did it?
3. Why did they do it?

Republicans and Fox News conclude that when a bomb blows up, it’s terror.
Democrats and their media prefer to wait until all three investigative questions have been answered. To many Americans, the term terror is synonymous with Islamic Terrorism. 

The colloquial definitions for terror, terrorist and terrorism have become ambiguous and a constant source of controversy and division. That is why we should adopt the following term to describe ISIS et al.

Whereas ISIS and other Radical Islamic groups are armed but are not recognized as legitimate states by the United Nations, they are by definition paramilitary groups.

Whereas these groups adhere to a version of Islam that is wholly intolerant of any other belief, they adhere to Intolerant Islam.

Whereas their stated goal is the global domination of their intolerant Islamic belief, therefore the new term to describe ISIS et al shall be:

Paramilitary Intolerant Islamic Globalists – PIIGs.

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